SPPCP Committees
Advocacy is defined as any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others. The role of this committee focused primarily on traditional legislative advocacy. In the spirit of adaptability and recognizing our individual needs, as well as those of the Society, we are re-envisioning advocacy. We would like to embody the many facets of advocacy and focus our short-term and long-term goals on supporting each other, our specialty & profession, and our patients. This will continue to entail engaging with legislators and drafting Society statements as appropriate based on current events. Advocacy intends to support membership in a variety of other ways. Our aim is to broaden our impact by engaging in purposeful support where it is needed most.
Current Projects:
- Palliate the Palliators or Emotional PPE project with Development to provide a variety of resources to our members as we all navigate these unprecedented times (advocating for ourselves, each other, and our well-being)
- Offer advocacy-focused CE for the annual virtual conference and obtain law or ethics CE credits as a benefit to members
- Gather and curate advocacy tools and resources for members
- Collaborate with the Development Committee to integrate advocacy topics into a mentorship program
- Assist in the development of position statements on as needed basis
- Assist the Society with initiatives related to diversity, equity and inclusion
The Communications Committee manages the bi-directional flow of information in the Society, between membership, committees, board of trustees, and executive board, as well as from the Society to outside parties. The Committee was formed in the latter half of 2020 as a result of the rapid growth of the Society revealing major need for more streamlined and defined communications. The Committee is responsible for directing and supporting internal communications of the Society, ensures appropriate and consistent communications and messaging from the Society through various methods including social media, and provides strategic direction for dissemination of Society information to the public, members, potential members, and key stakeholders to promote the Society's strategic plan.
Current Projects:
- Distribute communications to increase the awareness of the role of pain and palliative care pharmacists
- Provide regular updates to members on Society initiatives and resources
- Create content for and manage the Society website and social media accounts
- Design and publish a high quality quarterly Society newsletter
The Development Committee supports the recognition of pain management, palliative care, and hospice (PMPCH) pharmacists as an essential part of the transdisciplinary team. This Committee promotes the development and retention of the PMPCH pharmacist on patient care teams and supports the creation, justification, and sustainability of pharmacy positions. This committee also supports the growth in Society membership, engagement, and interest in PMPCH as a speciality for residents and student learners.
Current Projects:
- Coordinate Office Hours programming
- Develop a mentorship program
- Develop outcome measures to justify PMPCH positions
- Develop tools to assist with the creation of PMPCH positions
- Educate and engage pharmacy students and residents on PMPCH career paths
- Coordinate CV review and mock interviews for pharmacy residents and students
- Coordinate networking opportunities for students and residents
The Education Committee develops and participates in providing information and education for all areas of pharmacy practice, other health professions and the public. The Committee is responsible for the development of all education materials and programs for the Society. The Committee develops and reviews CE program topics that promote the Society’s mission and vision statements and further the professional goals of members. The Committee is also responsible for planning, coordinating and content development for all Society educational events.
Current Projects:
- Lead and assess educational activities relevant to pharmacists and other health care professionals practicing in pain management, palliative care, and hospice
- Gather and curate resources to be included in the toolkit on the SPPCP website
- Create Pharmacist Must Reads literature compilations
- Promote and be the voice of opioid stewardship and responsible opioid use within and externally to the Society
- Lead the topic discussion series for postgraduate trainees
- Review and approve submissions for educational content including podcasts
The Finance Committee oversees Society budgeting and financial planning. The Society Treasurer is the chair of SPPCP Finance Committee.
Current Projects:
- Maintain positive cash flow and continue to ensure budget line items are not exceeded
- Prepare annual budget in alignment with the Society annual plan
- Prepare quarterly report on income, expenses, assets, and liabilities
- Maintain financial expenditures obligations in a timely manner
The membership committee is responsible for overseeing efforts related to member recruitment and retention. Committee members are actively engaged in our areas of emphasis which include: hosting networking events, creating and maintaining member resource documents, developing member surveys, conducting monthly outreach to new and non-renewed members, and reporting vital membership statistics to our organization’s leaders.
Current Projects:
- Lead networking initiatives as part of recruitment efforts
- Developing key processes surrounding member recruitment and retention
- Lead fundraising initiatives
The Nominations Committee plays a vital role within the Society of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacists (SPPCP) by overseeing several key functions essential to the organization's governance and integrity. The Nominations Committee operates with a commitment to upholding the values of professionalism, integrity, and inclusivity, ensuring that SPPCP remains a leading voice in advancing pain and palliative care pharmacy practice. The nominations committee consists of past Society leadership.
Responsibilities include:
- Oversee the nomination, slating, and execution of annual elections to facilitate a fair and democratic process for selecting the Society's leadership.
- Reviewing conflict of interest forms to ensure transparency and ethical conduct among nominees to elected positions.
- Overseeing the Fellows recognition program, which acknowledges outstanding contributions and achievements within the field of pain and palliative care pharmacy.
The Research Committee provides mentorship and recognition to Society members related to research. The Committee supports opportunities for collaborative scholarly work amongst Society members and provides guidance to the Society in matters related to original research projects. The Committee also serves as the point of contact with the Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy.
Current Projects:
- Solicit and review submissions for the Seed Grant Award
- Solicit and review submissions for the Renee Holder Literature Award
- Provide input and guidance on Society involvement at the AAHPM State of the Science meeting
- Develop and implement research-focused educational initiatives in collaboration with the Education Committee
- Review and provide feedback on internal and external research-related requests
- Support the Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy
Virtual Conference Planning Committee
Chair: Cara Brock Email: [email protected]
The Virtual Conference Planning Committee of the Society of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacists is dedicated to designing, leading, and advancing a high-quality educational annual conference for our members. We curate innovative programming for the virtual conference and research forum, ensuring practitioners stay at the forefront of pain, palliative care, and hospice patient care through engaging, accredited content. In collaboration with other society committees, we create dynamic opportunities for learning, networking, and professional growth. By working together as a committee, we bring diverse expertise to the virtual stage, shaping the future of education in our field!
Committee Projects:
- Develop and curate the annual SPPCP virtual conference schedule and programming to deliver high-quality educational content
- Design compelling promotional materials to enhance conference visibility and engagement
- Partner with internal and external partners and interested groups to maximize conference attendance and reach a broader audience
- Collaborate with SPPCP committees to support member recruitment, maintain accreditation compliance, and showcase committee initiatives during the conference