SPPCP Research ForumThe Research Forum is an extension of the annual Virtual Conference. The goal of the Forum is to provide a platform to share innovative research that SPPCP members are conducting and provide an interactive session to further knowledge in the fields of pain management, opioid stewardship, addiction medicine, or palliative, serious illness or end of life care. Submissions are welcome from any member of the research team (pharmacists, residents, students, etc), though it is required that at least one member of the research team must be a member of SPPCP. The research must also pertain to the topics listed above. Submissions are reviewed by the Research Forum Committee for relevance and use of inclusive language. Timeline for submissions:
Benefits of submission:
*Please note that the Research Forum may be recorded for playback for conference attendees after the conference. Interested in getting involved in the Research Forum outside of presenting?
Submit your research here!